Hey, I'm Guilherme

Detail-driven and fullstack software developer helping people get their web the way they need and want

About me

A short introduction about myself

With a strong desire to deliver the best result possible, I demonstrate my habilities with teamwork and maintenable code.

I always avoid leaving behind 'broken windows,' aiming to offer insightful ideas and cleaner code than what I initially found.

Outside of coding, I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest trends in technology and exploring new tools and frameworks. As I'm dedicated to continuous learning, always seeking ways to enhance my skills.

My current skills

What I can provide and work

  • Frontend

    Tools that made me capable of building frontends

    React, NextJS, Astro, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript

  • Styling

    Skilled with tools capable of styling for any type of project

    React-Boostrap, Tailwind, CSS/SCSS, Styled Components, Design systems

  • Miscellaneous

    Various tools and skills that enhance my development capabilities

    Figma, AWS, Docker, CI/CD

  • Backend

    Skilled with tools capable of creating robust server-side applications

    Springboot, NodeJS, Go, SQL/noSQL

Professional experience

Detailist and vertisable developer

  1. February 2023 - Current

    Software Developer at Atos

    • • Engineered and sustained a high-traffic frontend application for a multinational company.
    • • Helped to design multiple use cases for a complex backend application based in microservices.
    • • Executed a mobile-first strategy in a multi-page project, prioritizing SEO and data analytics.
    • • Demonstrated adaptability by swiftly mastering various concepts and technologies in a dynamic work.
    • • Provided crucial maintenance to a complex vanilla React application integrated with real-time data.
    • • Helped to implement a hexagonal architecture using best practices such as SOLID and clean code.

    Inside of Atos, I could develop myself and also work in some large projects. The company let myself bring ideas to projects and contribute to the overall deliver of projects. I could participate in international calls, develop myself with official courses from remarkable companies and also study technologies that weren't included in my role as web developer.

    • Typescript
    • React
    • NextJS
    • Cypress
    • Figma
    • React-Hook-Form
    • Springboot
    • Spring Security
    • SQL
    • AWS
    • System Design
    • Client Communication
    • Leadership
    • Requirement Analysis
    • Design UX/UI
  2. August 2022 - February 2023

    Frontend Software Intern at Brainz Group

    • • Collaborated with a proficient team of developers and designers to implement a scalable webapp.
    • • Applied industry best practices by utilizing Context API, React-bootstrap, custom hooks.
    • • Collaborated closely with the backend team to design the data flow of your application.
    • • Demonstrated proactivity in questioning features for the best UI/UX within the company's projects.
    • • Provided valuable feedback to the design team, contributing to enhancements in the design system.

    At Brainz, I could experience and finally see my code running into the wild. The company let me decide some importants parts of our design system, collaborating with designers and product managers. In my day-to-day, I worked together with a experience backend team.

    • Typescript
    • React
    • React-bootstrap
    • React Router
    • Figma
    • Styled Components
    • Azure DevOps
    • System Design
    • Client Communication
    • Leadership
    • Requirement Analysis
    • Figma

Answers to questions

Short answers & questions